Saturday, September 27, 2008


All i want to keep in this world is my bones
To see them pushing at my thin skin
Is to see the life i was born to live
Impenetrable and the only thing stable
When everything else melts away
Their shape internal is my eternal

Life determined in a flash of white calcified lust
Isn't a vision into the spectrum of death
But the rock hard breakable passage into eternity
Through hollows and marrow and tissue
The undeniable structure that keeps me standing still
Despite every opportunity facing a collapse.

That childhood's first skin tear
Glimpsing the sickening flash of white
Red ripping and blood dripping
Tears and fissures and cracks
Seeing your insides invading your out
Meeting an essential your eyes can't contact

A summoning of cells, my bones can't leave me
They can't abandon me unlike blood
Which will leave me if given the chance
In a slow pulsing leak it flees
My bones won't go nowhere
They stand as i stand and creak as they need

All i want to keep in this world is my bones
To see them pushing at my thin skin
Is to see the life i was born to live
Impenetrable and the only thing stable
When everything else melts away
Their shape internal is my eternal

And in the great advance of age
They will bend and mold my stance
The curvature of a spine once straight
Will tell a story of all my pain and hate
While my wrists call out delicately
To remember that once i saw light

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